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9 rheumatoid arthritis signs that shouldn’t be ignored

9 rheumatoid arthritis signs that shouldn’t be ignored

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) refers to an autoimmune condition that causes severe inflammation in the linings of joints. With time, RA can lead to excruciating pain and swelling, as well as bone damage. Although the condition may develop at any age, the risk increases as one gets older. But timely diagnosis and intervention can help in managing the symptoms and slowing the disease’s progression. Here are some early rheumatoid arthritis signs that shouldn’t be ignored.

Joint stiffness
Many individuals with RA may experience severe joint stiffness, which can impact basic body movements like bending of one’s fingers and toes. This stiffness typically aggravates in the mornings or when one has been inactive for an extended period.

Joint pain
Another common symptom of RA is persistent, throbbing pain, which also tends to worsen in the mornings or following periods of inactivity.

Joint swelling
Inflammation of one’s joints can cause swelling. Sometimes, rheumatoid nodules, or swelling under the skin surrounding one’s joints, can also occur in patients with RA.

Tenderness in joints
Tissue damage resulting from RA can cause the joints to become tender, which can trigger or aggravate chronic joint pain and deformity.

Chest pain
In some cases, one may also experience inflammation in other body organs, such as the lungs. In this occurs, individuals may develop pulmonary fibrosis, which can trigger chest pain along with other symptoms like shortness of breath and chronic cough.

Dry eyes
Eye inflammation caused by RA can lead to Sjogren’s syndrome or scleritis, characterized by dry eyes, eye pain, redness, etc.

Joint pain and inflammation due to RA may lead to the onset of a low-grade fever. If accompanied by other RA symptoms, such fever may be an early sign of the condition.

Restricted movements
The joints play a crucial role in facilitating various body movements. Consequently, joint pain and inflammation caused by RA can lead to restricted movements and mobility issues among patients. Thus, doctors typically recommend physiotherapy to help patients restore certain joint functions and to manage the symptoms.

Tendon inflammation and pain can lead to excessive pressure on one’s nerves. This can cause numbness and, sometimes, a tingling sensation on the nerves.

In addition, RA can be harmful to other important organs of the body. It can damage one’s heart muscles and blood vessels over a period of time. The condition worsens progressively if left untreated; therefore, individuals experiencing the early signs of rheumatoid arthritis should promptly consult their doctors. The condition is typically detected through blood tests, ultrasound, joint and organ tests, and X-rays.

In case of a positive diagnosis, patients are redirected to rheumatologists, who are experts in treating conditions associated with the muscles, bones, tendons, joints, and ligaments. Physiotherapy is the most commonly recommended method to manage RA symptoms. It can help patients regain mobility and reduce joint pain. Early diagnosis is key to an effective healing process.

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