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The Hepatitis C FAQs- Resolving All the Questions on Hepatitis

The Hepatitis C FAQs- Resolving All the Questions on Hepatitis

One of the most chronic medical challenges is the Hepatitis. It is a contagious liver disease which ranges in severity from a simple mild pain to a long-lasting illness which can continue for many weeks. This can also lead to a lifelong serious illness affecting the liver fully.

What are the main causes of Hepatitis C?
Hepatitis C is one of the major long lasting, and even sometimes life-threatening disease one can have. Therefore, everybody should be aware of Hepatitis C Faqs. The reasons are various of which few are very strong and deeply affect one’s liver causing massive liver damage.

The few main causes of this disease are:
It can affect one’s physical system of the body through the sharing of needles for blood transfusions, using the same utensils that were already used by an affected patient, dry cotton, water, or other means through which these can be injected into a healthy person.

Body tattooing is another major reason for this skin disease. It can happen while sharing same needles or the inks that was earlier used on an infected person.

An open exposure to a hepatitis C patient’s blood through a needle stick, or a blood splash to the eyes, mouth, or ruptured skin while he or she was being treated. The most common and dreadful cause of this disease is unprotected sex as with an infected person.

How long can the virus carrying the disease survive?

Many researchers have proved that like the other germs of HIV, hepatitis C can live outside of the body. The virus which is very strong can easily survive outside the body at any given room temperature. It does not depend on an external stimulus but can survive on any environmental surface for more than sixteen hours. This is probably the most interesting aspect of Hepatitis C Faqs. But another fact about the germ is that is can only survive until day three, and on the fourth day, it starts to break and disintegrate. Recent research shows that the hepatitis C germ had survived, although strongly in syringes, for nearly sixty-three days, which is very rare in the case of these germs.

What are the different tests which can be done to detect Hepatitis C?

There are various tests which can prove the persisting hepatitis C in, the blood of an infected person. One of the most common tests is the OraQuick hepatitis C antibody test. It is considered to be the fastest test which gives the result with accurate readings of the germ present in the patient’s body. The total time consumed for this particular test in only twenty minutes, the quickest test of any illness, as recorded. It is specifically done to detect the antibodies for the hepatitis C, which can be found in a sample of blood given for test. The technique is simple and is done with a finger stick. While you may be going for a preliminary positive test result, it does not necessarily mean that your blood is infected. It is seen that roughly eighty to eighty-five percent people who have hepatitis C antibodies also have the chronic infection within. On the other hand, the rest fifteen to twenty percent with antibodies survive due to the fighting power of the immune system of their body. Best would be to consult a specialist who can do the proper tests and give you the perfect treatment and solution for this. These are the pathological tests which you can know from Hepatitis C Faqs.

How can Hepatitis C be prevented from spreading or affecting one’s body?

Prevention and awareness are the crucial aspects of the hepatitis C Faqs. The best way to protect oneself from hepatitis C would be to avoid direct contact with other people’s blood. It would be advisable to avoid sharing needles, which is done while consuming drugs taken from the same needle being used by many people.One should also practice safe tattooing and pierce as this would help them to get affected directly with the germ of hepatitis. Another way to prevent having this disease is to stop sharing toothbrushes, shaving razors, nail cutters and clippers. It would also be highly advisable that if a female is going through menstruation, or one of the partners is having an open injury, it would be better not to have sex till they recover.

What are the new age treatments and their effects?

In the list of Hepatitis C Faqs, this is the most important one. There are various new medicines which are available for the treatment of hepatitis C and have been highly recommended by the FDA. These new age medicines help in shortening the period of the treatment durations from twenty-four weeks to a maximum of eight weeks.And it has been reported that these medicines with strong dosage can cure this disease in more than ninety percent of the affected people.

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