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6 early signs of skin cancer

6 early signs of skin cancer

Skin cancer is a condition where the body produces skin cells in abnormal quantities. Overexposure to the harmful UV radiation of the sun is the primary cause of the condition, but family history, weak immune system, or other skin diseases can increase the risk of developing skin cancer. The most common types of skin cancers are basal cell and squamous cell carcinomas, both of which can be treated with early intervention.

Early signs
Skin cancer can affect many areas of the body, especially the chest, arms, legs, face, and scalp. Here are the common early signs of skin cancer that one should not ignore:

Abnormal changes in skin
The first step to identifying skin cancer is observing any abnormal changes in the skin, from new bumps and lesions to rashes and moles.

Nodules are abnormal tiny lumps that form on the skin due to various factors. The nodules that seem hard but are painless and pop up on the eyelid can be a sign of skin cancer called sebaceous gland carcinoma. These nodules usually originate in the oil glands. Another type of rare cancer called Merkel cell carcinoma may also lead to nodule formation in the hair follicles, on the head or neck region, or just beneath the skin.

Scabs or sores
Scabs are the dry, crusty patches on the skin that usually form over a wound. Similarly, sores are ulcers or open wounds. When scabs or sores appear on the skin without any injury and do not heal easily, even with immediate treatment, they can be signs of skin cancer.

Any translucent bumps on the skin, especially on the head or neck, could be a sign of a skin cancer type called basal cell carcinoma. The bumps or waxy patches may also appear on the chest. They may seem like a brownish scar or could be crusty and pale.

Scaly skin
Scaly skin is usually dry, flaky, and feels rough when touched. The scale or patch may also feel itchy and may develop on the head, hands, arms, neck, or in genital regions. This symptom may show up in other skin-related issues like eczema or fungal infections. So it is best to get them checked for proper diagnosis.

Another common sign of skin cancer is the formation of moles that seem to pop up often and grow rapidly. These moles could be red, larger than normal moles, and shaped irregularly. While moles may be a common sign of cancer, most of them are not cancerous. It is normal for people to develop new moles till the age of 40. But if one notices sudden growth of these moles with abnormalities in their quantity, color, and size, one should get them checked.

Skin cancer affects people differently. So, if one experiences any of the above-mentioned signs or other abnormalities on the skin, they should consult a doctor. While not all skin changes may be cancerous, discussing any concerns can help one find proper treatment, if necessary, and peace of mind.

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