6 management options for prostate cancer
The prostate is a small gland in the male reproductive system responsible for producing seminal fluid. As men age, the prostate enlarges, and its cells multiply. If the cell multiplication happens uncontrollably, it can lead to tumor formation. In some cases, the tumor can become malignant, requiring the doctor to prescribe several treatments and remedies. The treatment plan can vary between patients depending on the tumor’s size, spread, location, and other factors.
1. Surgery
Prostate cancer surgical treatment involves removing the prostate gland, some lymph nodes, and surrounding tissues. It is a potential treatment when the cancer is restricted to the prostate. The doctor may make multiple small incisions in the patient’s abdomen to access the prostate and complete the procedure with the help of a surgical robot. Sometimes, they may perform the surgery without a robot’s assistance after making a single long incision.
2. Radiation therapy
This treatment uses high-power laser beams to target and kill cancer cells. Based on the case, doctors may recommend external beam radiation therapy or brachytherapy. The former uses a machine placed outside the body that produces laser beams and directs them towards the tumor. Brachytherapy involves using radioactive seeds or rods placed inside the body close to the cancer cells.
3. Hormone therapy
Prostate cancer cells require testosterone to grow and spread. Hormone therapy prevents further production of testosterone, resulting in slow growth or death of cancer cells. The treatment has more than one mode of operation. It can involve stopping the body’s production of testosterone, blocking access of cancer cells to the hormone, or surgical removal of testes. Hormone therapy is usually a preferred prostate cancer treatment in the advanced stages.
4. Chemotherapy
This treatment option kills rapidly growing cancer cells in the body. It can be administered orally, through the vein, or using both methods. Chemotherapy will also help in managing prostate cancer that has spread to multiple body parts. Before using it, health experts provide details to patients about what to expect from the treatment process and its possible effects.
5. Immunotherapy
Cancer cells produce certain proteins that prevent them from being identified by the immune system. Immunotherapy strengthens the immune system and helps it spot and fight off these cells. The process might involve genetically engineering the patient’s immune cells and administering them back into the body. It is generally used for patients who are not responding to hormonal therapy.
6. Targeted therapy
This therapy identifies specific abnormal traits found in cancer cells and blocks them. Doctors may recommend it for patients with recurrent cases of prostate cancer. Targeted therapy can also be used for people who do not benefit from hormonal therapy. Before starting the treatment, the patient’s cancer cells might be checked or treated in the lab to confirm whether it has the mutation being targeted.
Besides treatments, doctors may recommend remedies and lifestyle changes for prostate cancer. For instance, they may suggest eating foods rich in vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids. One should strictly follow the expert’s recommendations for the best outcome.