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8 foods that individuals with colon cancer must avoid

8 foods that individuals with colon cancer must avoid

Colon cancer is cancer of the large intestine or colon, initially characterized by benign polyps or clumps, some of which may eventually turn cancerous. Since the symptoms are not easily noticeable, doctors recommend regular colon screening tests to detect and cure colon cancer before it advances. Early diagnosis, timely treatment, and adequate care can help patients with colon cancer heal steadily. Here are some foods to avoid for a speedy recovery from colon cancer:

Processed meat
Red meat and other processed meat preparations like hot dogs and hamburgers have carcinogenic elements, which can increase the risk of bowel cancer or impede recovery from the condition. In addition, it helps to replace red and processed meat with lean meat sources like skinless chicken, turkey breast, and pork chops.

Oily foods
Deep-fried foods can induce health problems like bloating, flatulence, and nausea and irritate the colon. They can also worsen symptoms relating to chemotherapy and pose challenges to recovery. Patients recovering from colon cancer must avoid greasy foods such as fries, wafers, and chicken strips.

Sugar can alter the stomach’s microbiome, destroying healthy bacteria and contributing to irritable bowel diseases (IBD). Chronic IBD can become a precursor to colon cancer and worsen the symptoms in individuals already grappling with the condition. In addition, it helps to replace desserts and sugary beverages with natural sugar sources like high-fiber fruits and vegetables.

Store-bought baked items
Store-bought baked goods contain high levels of trans fats, increasing cholesterol levels. Studies have demonstrated that high cholesterol is associated with a greater risk of colorectal cancer. Thus, individuals at risk of colon cancer or already diagnosed with it must avoid store-bought confectionaries like cookies and cakes.

Carbonated beverages
Carbonated beverages contain high levels of sugar, caffeine, preservatives, and empty calories; moreover, they are fuzzy and can cause stomach issues like acid reflux. Therefore, individuals with colon cancer must avoid carbonated beverages to reduce colon cancer symptoms and prevent discomfort during recovery.

Spicy food
Spicy foods like certain gravies, sauces, and peppers can trigger severe inflammation, abdominal pain, and stomach ulcers, exacerbating colon cancer. They can also worsen IBD symptoms, which impedes recovery from colon cancer.

White bread
White bread contains empty calories and refined flour, which slows the metabolism and causes bowel issues like inflammation and constipation. And such foods should be avoided at all costs while undergoing colon cancer treatment. Moreover, colon cancer requires consuming high-fiber foods, including whole grains; white bread lacks healthy fiber. In contrast, options like multigrain bread are more suitable for patients with colon cancer as they have higher fiber content and are generally more nutritious.

Salted popcorn
Processed popcorn is high in salt and spices and can irritate bowel movements. It can also trigger bloating and flatulence. It is best to avoid all varieties of processed popcorn. You may occasionally replace it with unsalted, unprocessed popcorn without spices.

Colon cancer requires a consistently healthy meal plan rich in proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals. Fiber-rich foods can also speed up bowel movements and help with digestion.