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5 Treatment Options for An Overactive Bladder

5 Treatment Options for An Overactive Bladder

An overreactive bladder is characterized by an overwhelming urge to urinate, which is quite difficult to control. An overactive bladder may lead to involuntary loss of urine, even when the person sneezes or coughs. The incontinence urge is caused by urinary muscle spasms. Genetic weakness, obesity, severe health conditions, infections, and multiple pregnancies can increase the risk of having an overactive bladder. Treatments for overactive bladder comprise several different methods. An overactive bladder can be treated appropriately if its symptoms are identified well within time. For instance, overactive bladder due to urinary tract infection can be treated with antibiotics, whereas topical application of estrogen cream can treat atrophic urethritis. Here are some treatments for overactive bladder that one can help alleviate symptoms: Behavioral therapy Also known as behavioral modification, this treatment for overactive bladder aims to alter an individual’s action or environment to improve bladder control. Bladder training involves educating the patient about effects of overactive bladder, and scheduling voiding regimen. The goal of this therapy is to normalize urinary frequency by increasing the bladder capacity. Pelvic floor muscle therapy It involves exercises that are designed to enhance the function of pelvic floor muscles. Regular daily exercising of pelvic muscles increases urinary control and prevents its inconsistency.
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8 Symptoms That Indicate the Presence of Narcissistic Personality Disorder

8 Symptoms That Indicate the Presence of Narcissistic Personality Disorder

In an age where how a person look is more important than what a person is, is more critical, accepting oneself and a high self-esteem is always welcome. It is an accepted fact that everything is okay when it is practiced in moderation. This rule applies to our self-esteem as well. A high self-esteem is always appreciated, but the problem begins when in the process of admiring ourselves, we disregard others. Being selfish or being self-centered is a part of the human nature. But, when this selfish streak takes on a more aggressive turn is when a problem arises. This tendency to be overly-confident about oneself and disregard other people’s feeling can be termed as a mental illness as well. When an individual is so smitten by himself and abhors other human beings around him, we can conclude that the person suffers from narcissistic personality disorder. Narcissistic personality disorder derives its name from an anecdote from ancient Greece. There was a young man named Narcissus, who fell in love with his reflection and lost his will to live. He died staring at his reflection. Since Narcissus is symbolic of self-destructive love, this disorder is named after him. As there’s a thin line between being selfish and suffering from the narcissistic personality disorder, one needs to be aware of the symptoms of narcissistic personality disorders to diagnose it and avail timely treatment for the individual suffering from the same.
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