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7 signs it’s time to consult a gynecologist

7 signs it’s time to consult a gynecologist

Women’s reproductive health requires preventive care and proactive management. While regular visits to a gynecologist are encouraged, it is equally important to be aware of early signs of health concerns that call for immediate intervention. Recognizing and empowering oneself with knowledge about these early indicators can help one improve and maintain reproductive health. Additionally, paying attention to warning signs can help one get early treatment, enabling one to navigate health issues with ease. Irregular periods and excessive bleeding If one experiences persistently irregular menstrual cycle or severe bleeding, it can be a sign of underlying health problems. Women who experience extremely heavy or prolonged periods should consult a gynecologist, as these could be signs of hormonal imbalances or even uterine cancer. Further, persistent heavy bleeding can lead to anemia, causing fatigue and weakness. Breast abnormalities Women should be vigilant about changes in their breasts. Any new lumps, swelling, pain, nipple discharge, or changes in breast size or shape should be promptly evaluated by a gynecologist. While most such symptoms may not be serious, they may indicate conditions such as breast infection or breast cancer, for which timely medical intervention can ensure early detection and better outcomes. Dizziness and excessive eating during periods Feeling dizzy during periods may be a sign of low blood pressure, low blood sugar, or anemia.
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