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Uses of Nubeqa in treating prostate cancer

Uses of Nubeqa in treating prostate cancer

Prostate cancer refers to cancer developing in the prostate, a tiny, walnut-shaped male organ below the bladder. This organ produces testosterone, the primary male hormone. The condition progresses slowly, and early intervention can lead to complete recovery. Some tried-and-tested treatments under a doctor’s supervision may be highly beneficial for those with prostate cancer. For example, Nubeqa is an FDA-approved prescription treatment for prostate cancer, particularly for those with non-metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (nmCRPC). What is non-metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer? In nmCRPC, the cancerous cells have not begun spreading to other organs in one’s body but have stopped responding to treatments that lower testosterone levels. So, unlike early-stage cancer, which needs normal testosterone levels for cancer cells to multiply, with nmCRPC, these cells continue growing within the prostate even if one’s testosterone levels fall considerably. If left undetected, this stage advances to the metastatic type, wherein cancerous cells begin spreading to the bones and lymph nodes and sometimes to the brain, lungs, etc. Treating cancer at the non-metastatic stage increases recovery and survival rates. How does Nubeqa work for prostate cancer? This FDA-approved intervention for prostate cancer is also called darolutamide, and it is a type of androgen receptor inhibitor. Doctors check for two main parameters when prescribing Nubeqa to those with prostate cancer.
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