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Diabetes – Foods to eat and avoid for blood sugar balance

Diabetes – Foods to eat and avoid for blood sugar balance

Food is an important part of good health. What we eat affects our blood sugar levels differently. While simple carbs and fried foods are tastier, they do not benefit diabetes patients. Considering how important it is to maintain controlled blood sugar levels, it is important for people with diabetes to choose their food mindfully. This article talks about certain foods that benefit our blood sugar levels and some other foods that we can do without.

Foods to eat

An individual’s insulin sensitivity plays a crucial role in their blood sugar levels. Mono and polyunsaturated fats are great sources for improving insulin sensitivity. Avocado is a powerhouse of these unsaturated fatty acids, making them a highly beneficial food to lower blood sugar levels and help pass diabetic eye exams.

Green leafy vegetables
Vegetables are a rich source of fibers and nutrients. They are also beneficial in slowing down the sugar absorption rate in the blood. This leads to a steady rise and stabilization of blood sugar levels. Leafy greens like spinach, collards, lettuce, and kale should be a regular part of meals. Stabilized blood sugar levels can be a great contributing factor to overcoming problems like diabetic retina edema.

Nuts and berries
Like vegetables, nuts and berries are also rich sources of fiber; they act by stabilizing blood sugar levels. Some nuts are also helpful in improving insulin and fasting glucose levels by positively impacting insulin sensitivity. On the other hand, berries also contain a compound called anthocyanins that helps decrease the sudden rise or fall of insulin levels, preventing diabetic macular eye edema.

Foods to avoid

Grains are one of the foods that are to be restricted or completely avoided based on an individual’s diabetes profile. For example, high-starch grain foods like white bread, pasta, bagels, and bakery products are to be avoided if you have diabetes. Some might have to avoid white rice and its products too.

Red meat
Getting the right kind and amount of protein is an important requirement for a healthy body, mind, and life. However, certain sources of meat, like red meat, cold cuts, and processed meats, are better to be avoided if one has diabetes. Protein sources like hot dogs and bacon should also be restricted for stable blood sugar levels.

Packaged food products
Packaged food is generally low in nutrients and high in calories and preservatives. It is suggested that people with diabetes stray away from them as these foods can disturb their blood sugar levels. Limiting the consumption of high-carb, starch, and sugar goods is a great way to start. Additionally, reading nutrition labels on the packets helps people stay informed of what they are feeding their bodies.

In addition to making changes to eating habits and preferences, diabetes patients can also consider taking medications that help control blood glucose levels like CYCLOSET® (bromocriptine mesylate), Starlix (nateglinide), PrandiMet® (repaglinide and metformin HCl), and AVANDIA (rosiglitazone maleate).

FARXIGA® and Aflibercept, among other treatments, can also help in regulating blood sugar levels.

FARXIGA® (dapagliflozin)
FARXIGA® is suggested for patients with Type 2 diabetes to help improve blood sugar levels. It is also used to reduce the risk of cardiovascular and chronic liver diseases.

Marketed under the brand name EYLEA®, aflibercept is a prescription intravitreal injection used for treating patients with diabetic retinopathy.

INVOKANA® is an oral treatment for Type 2 Diabetes. It is the first approved treatment that belongs to the sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 (SGLT2) inhibitor class. An SGLT2 inhibitor like
INVOKANA® helps eliminate excess sugar in the body via urine. INVOKANA® can lead to side effects including kidney injury, urinary tract infections, cardiovascular troubles, and below-the-knee amputations in extreme cases.

Exenatide is another way to tackle Type 2 diabetes. It is used in conjunction with food and exercise to control the amount of blood sugar levels in the body. Exenatide belongs to a class known as incretin mimetics. It works to stimulate the pancreas to secrete insulin when there is high blood sugar.

The Dulaglutide injection is another treatment method for Type 2 diabetes. It helps improve insulin secretion and reduces heart attack risk. The treatment mainly works by slowing down the movement of food in the stomach.

Liraglutide injection is used to control blood sugar levels in adults and children over the age of 10. It helps the pancreas secrete insulin. The injection also helps reduce blood sugar spikes by causing the food to digest slower than usual.

Toujeo® insulin
Toujeo® insulin glargine injection is used for treating diabetes and lowering blood sugar. It is available in the form of insulin pens which are insulin injections that can be self-administered. This injection is available in two types: Toujeo® Max SoloStar® and Toujeo SoloStar®, they hold up to 900 units/ml and 300 units/ml, respectively. Doctors typically prescribe one of these based on the severity of the condition.

Diabetes patients can also use various products to effectively track their glucose levels. One such product is the Dexcom G6. It is a CGM (continuous glucose monitoring) system that helps diabetics track their glucose levels without the use of finger stick tests. The system consists of an auto-applicator that inserts a small sensor just beneath the skin. This sensor continuously measures glucose levels. The transmitter sends the data wirelessly to the display device, which can be a small touch screen or an app displaying real-time glucose data.

GLP-1 receptor agonists are another treatment option.

GLP-1 receptor agonists
GLP-1 agonists are a special class of prescription for Type 2 diabetes. They work by releasing more insulin into the bloodstream to manage blood sugar levels. Doctors usually recommend GLP-1 receptor agonists with proper exercise and food portion control to promote healthy body weight. Besides improving blood sugar profile, studies reveal these receptors have essential cardiovascular, metabolic, anti-infectious, and neuroprotective benefits.

GlucoTrust™ is popular for its benefits in controlling diabetes and promoting metabolism. It must be taken orally once before sleeping. GlucoTrust™ regulates blood sugar levels and blood circulation. It also makes an individual feel full, helping them maintain body weight. Further, using it before bedtime can ensure a rejuvenating night’s sleep, which is necessary when dealing with different health conditions.

Diabetes patients who want supplies to manage their condition can check suppliers like Diabetic Warehouse. The brand sells a range of useful products, such as test strips, glucose meter, lancets, lancing devices, syringes, pen needles, and so much more. You can even find discount coupons for Diabetic Warehouse online.