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Foods to eat and avoid to manage osteoporosis

Foods to eat and avoid to manage osteoporosis

Bones start losing density with age, as they cannot process and absorb calcium from certain foods. This increases the risk of suffering from bone diseases like osteoporosis. Hence, doctors advise lifestyle changes that can help maintain bone density even when older. Listed below are some foods to eat and avoid to reduce the risk of osteoporosis. Make sure to consult a doctor before including and excluding these foods to prevent aggravation of underlying health conditions.

Foods to eat

  • Dairy products
    Dairy products such as yogurt, milk, and cheese have abundant calcium, the nutrient that helps in increasing bone structure and strength. However, avoiding full-fat dairy products can increase the risk of an imbalanced BMI, making bones more vulnerable to osteoporosis.
  • Seeds
    Bones need the right balance of phosphorus and calcium to maintain bone density. This can reduce the risk of suffering from bone degenerating conditions like osteoporosis. Seeds like flaxseeds, chia seeds, pumpkin, and sesame seeds are an excellent sources of calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium.
  • Nuts
    Magnesium is crucial in retaining and absorbing calcium in the body, whereas phosphorus is one of the significant components other than calcium found in the bones and teeth. So, a handful of nuts like pecans, peanuts, walnuts, and almonds every day can help get the daily dose of magnesium, phosphorus, and calcium.
  • Lean meats
    Lean meats such as chicken or turkey meat, salmon, tuna, and veal are a rich source of vitamin D. The nutrient is crucial for the boy to process calcium. Incorporating them into daily meals can help increase bone density.
  • Cruciferous vegetables
    Cruciferous vegetables such as cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, bok choy, arugula, and radish can also play an essential role in supporting bone health. These are rich in both calcium and vitamin K.

Foods to avoid

  • Soda
    It is one of the major triggers of osteoporosis. Studies have shown that phosphoric acid present in soda can damage bone density. Hence, people with osteoporosis should reduce or stop having soda.
  • Excess salt
    Osteoporosis patients should avoid food with high salt levels. Excess salt causes calcium loss in the body, which is not suitable for the bones. The amount of salt used in foods is high in our country, and hence many are at risk of suffering from this medical condition.
  • Excess caffeine
    Caffeine is one of the primary foods to be avoided with osteoporosis. Caffeine causes low bone density due to high calcium absorption.
  • Alcohol
    Excess alcohol is also harmful for osteoporosis, as it reduces bone mass. Alcohol is bad for health and also causes other concerns.
  • Sugar products
    Studies have shown that excess sweets lead to high blood sugar, elevating calcium excretion, weakening the bones and increasing the risk of osteoporosis. Examples of high-in-sugar foods are cookies, pretzels, bread, and corn chips.

While adding and avoiding certain foods from daily meals can keep osteoporosis symptoms at bay, it is also essential to manage them effectively through medications.

Prolia® (Denosumab) is a form of post-menopause medication that can relieve from osteoporosis. Prolia® (Denosumab) is a bone-strengthening medication that inhibits the process of bone degeneration by stopping harmful cells from attacking healthy bones. Oher medications include Fosamax, Evenity®, Actonel, Boniva®, and Reclast.

Qualified individuals can get Prolia® shot medical insurance under Medicare Part B, wherein 80 percent costs of treatment are covered and 20 percent is paid out of pocket.