Look out for these 6 early signs of eczema

Eczema, also known as dermatitis or atopic dermatitis (AD), is an inflammatory condition in which the patient’s skin can become inflamed, dry, and itchy. This skin issue can affect people of all ages. While newborn babies can be affected within the first few weeks or months of birth, adults can experience its onset in their early 20s or 50s. Continue reading to learn more about eczema and its early signs for timely diagnosis and treatment.
Early signs of eczema
Symptoms of eczema can vary from one person to another, and here are some of the most common ones to look out for.
Itchy skin
One of the early signs of the condition includes itchy skin. In some cases, the itch can become painful and may cause discomfort. In contrast, others may find it more like a tickle. But when experiencing this particular symptom, one must remember that scratching the area may lead to increased pain. One must seek expert help as soon as possible.
Dry skin
While dry skin is extremely common and can be recognized by its rough texture, it indicates that the skin does not have enough moisture. In most cases, this early sign of eczema can be noticed in the form of flaky or scaly-looking skin. However, in extreme cases, the affected areas can crack and bleed. Furthermore, this condition can worsen when one comes in contact with allergens and irritants. It can also go from bad to worse due to high stress levels.
Eczema indicates inflammation which can lead to swelling in the affected area. This can cause the blisters to thicken. When scratched, these bumps may ooze liquid and become more crusty.
Changes in skin color
As mentioned previously, eczema can result in itchy skin. But, scratching the affected area can lead to changes in skin color – either hypopigmentation or hyperpigmentation. In the case of the former, one can notice the affected area having a color lighter than the surrounding areas. Whereas in a hyperpigmentation case, the patch of skin becomes darker.
Skin rashes
Skin rashes can look different in every person. The eczema rash can look either grey, brown, or purple on people with dark-colored skin. On the other hand, the rash on lighter skin can appear to be pink, purple, or red.
Open sores
Another early sign of eczema is fluid-filled blisters that can ooze liquid causing wetness. In most cases, these open sores are noticed in certain areas, such as the front of the neck, inside the elbow, and back of the knees.
In most cases, when one opts for treatment, these flare-ups and their associated symptoms can go away within one to three weeks. However, if any of the signs mentioned above are persistent, one must consult a dermatologist as soon as possible.