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Natural remedies that help alleviate Parkinson’s symptoms

Natural remedies that help alleviate Parkinson’s symptoms

Living with Parkinson’s can get tough. Patients with Parkinson’s find it difficult to walk, talk, eat, affecting the patient’s overall lifestyle. But there are a few natural remedies and minor lifestyle changes, which, when implemented regularly, can help alleviate the symptoms of Parkinson’s. Here are some of the natural remedies that one can resort to help alleviate symptoms of Parkinson’s. Furthermore, there are other treatment options that you should know about. Read to know more.

Some of the symptoms of Parkinson’s include lack of balance and difficulty moving. Those with Parkinson’s can find it very difficult to exercise when there is poor physical mobility. As a result, no exercise or physical mobility can worsen the symptoms of Parkinson’s and aggravate the condition. Therefore, it is recommended that Parkinson’s patients resort to regular exercise, stretch and practice yoga, or meditate. Easy stretches may help with muscle stiffness and soreness, whereas mild workouts such as walking can be helpful too. Exercising and meditation also assist in boosting the mood of patients and is an excellent natural remedy that helps with Parkinson’s.

Nutritional changes
Foods play a crucial role in maintaining the wellbeing of the body as well as the mind. Including fiber-rich foods in everyday food regimes can help maintain a faster metabolism. It also helps with constipation and bowel movements, which patients with Parkinson’s often experience. Some fiber-rich foods include beans, berries, avocados, dried fruits, broccoli, to name a few. Apart from these, one can also have nuts and seeds as they help elevate dopamine levels in the brain, thereby boosting the patient’s mood. That’s not it; nuts and seeds are also loaded with anti-inflammatory properties.

Green tea
Packed with nutrients such as theanine and polyphenol antioxidants, green tea also helps boost dopamine levels in the brain. It is recommended that one may have two to three cups of green tea a day.

However, if any of the foods seem to aggravate the symptoms, it is best to consult the doctor immediately. Also, some nutrients may trigger allergic reactions, and these must be avoided altogether. It is recommended to get a nutrition chart from an expert for best results.

Massage therapy
The effectiveness of massage therapy in alleviating the effects of Parkinson’s is not well researched. However, massage therapy can help with tremors and muscle rigidity.

Tai Chi
Also sometimes known as shadow boxing, Tai Chi is a Chinese martial art performed for meditation, defense and has numerous health benefits. It helps in promoting balance and coordination, which is beneficial to those with Parkinson’s.

Apart from these natural remedies and lifestyle changes, certain medications can help with Parkinson’s. However, it is best to consult a doctor before taking any medications to avoid side effects.

Rytary (levodopa/carbidopa)
Approved in 2015 by the FDA, Rytary (levodopa/carbidopa) is a medication for Parkinson’s. It is used for improving motor symptoms such as stiffness, tremor, and slowness. These are available in capsule form.

Ongentys (opicapone)
This is an add-on oral therapy that helps with OFF episodes in patients with Parkinson’s. This can be taken in combination with dopa decarboxylase (DDC) inhibitors, such as carbidopa and levodopa.