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Different Home Remedies to Treat Restless Leg Syndrome

Different Home Remedies to Treat Restless Leg Syndrome

Restless leg syndrome is a disease or rather a complication that affects many a people every year and is related to neurological complications. This is the problem that arises when legs feel restless and feel like exercising despite our body being in a complete state of peace and when the mind is also under rest. The mind and body cannot synchronize and hence when the body and mind tend to sleep or take rest, the legs feel like moving, exercising and pain is also felt by the patients. Doctors can be consulted for treatment of such neurological disorder, but there are a number of home remedies for restless leg syndrome that can be followed for better results. In fact, home remedies are known to be quite simple and easy to implement as well.

Effective home remedies for restless leg syndrome:
According to research and survey, the frequency of occurrence of the symptoms are directly related to lifestyle changes and daily habits or orders of the day. The pattern we follow every day for eating, sleeping, exercising, etc. can have direct effects on restless leg syndrome. Hence, one of the home remedies for restless leg syndrome is bringing changes in the lifestyle patterns. The most common need is to change the diet pattern, the frequency of the intake of every meal. The meal we take in, the components we are having, the way those are cooked and prepared, everything does have a colossal effect on this restless leg syndrome.

A healthy diet is always suggested that is infusing the combination of a number of ingredients and nutrients from all food groups. A well-balanced diet of carbohydrates, protein, and fat is essential along with minerals, vitamins, and fiber and antioxidants as well. Enough of sleep is imperative to treat restless leg syndrome. Especially caffeine intake is to be restricted, and smoking can be done in limitation. A sound sleep is most important and hence, eating the right food before bedtime that can enhance the quality of nap is imperative for the patient.

Nicotine intake is injurious to health, and that can make us feel jittery and hence, sleep can be affected adversely. So, smoking is to be quitted or limited. Restriction on alcohol intake is suggested and that too before going to bed. Taking sufficient rest is imperative, and these are a few home remedies for restless leg syndrome. Relaxation of muscles is required, and hence, medications taken for any other complication can affect that. Insomnia and somnambulism are to be avoided, so that a sound sleep helps in fact recovery and treatment of restless leg syndrome. An alternative hot and cold compress can work wonders as the pain can be relieved by this. A hot and cold compress practiced in an alternative manner can provide us relief from the irritation of legs as well. Taking a bath in Luke warm water can be helpful and can contribute to the treatment of restless leg syndrome. The massaging of muscles to relax them can be helpful as well. For muscle contraction and relaxation massaging with light oil, gel or lotion can be done. In fact, medicated gels, lotions, and light oils are now a day’s easily available in the market. These h ome remedies for restless leg syndrome are very easy, and they would give you the required relief from the same.

The importance of exercising:
Exercising on a daily basis is essential as this can reduce the effects of tiredness and fatigue of the muscles. Jogging or plain walking can be done that is known to work quite effectively as well. Yoga can also be practiced. Time of exercising and frequency ought to be maintained.

Depression and stress are to be removed from our daily lives. Stress-buster routines are to be followed so that the person is no more upset and can have a sound sleep. Resting is very important so that the muscles are relaxed enough and relaxation of the mind is also imperative. Anxiety is to be released, and irritability is to be alleviated as a whole. Complete rest with frequent exercise is the best home remedy for restless leg syndrome.

A vitamin D deficiency can trigger the problem of restless leg syndrome and hence, vitamin D supplements can be taken. Food rich in vitamin D can also be taken and exposure to sunlight can also provide us with sufficient amounts of this essential vitamin. Iron supplements can also be taken along with vitamin C and vitamin E for restless leg syndrome. Severe cases can involve consultation of a doctor but the basics can be easily treated at home. Red meat, liver, Spinach, dried fruits can be taken as these are rich sources of iron and can help in alleviating restless leg syndrome. Other foods that can be taken for treating restless leg syndrome are known to be pork, seafood, iron-fortified cereals, poultry, beans, leafy greens, avocado, rice, quinoa, peas, almond, soy milk, brown rice, peanut, and cashew, etc.