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Get rid of erectile dysfunction with these effective natural remedies

Get rid of erectile dysfunction with these effective natural remedies

Erectile dysfunction, commonly abbreviated as ED is mostly associated with impotence. This condition is becoming increasingly common where a man fails to achieve or maintain erection while performing sexual activity. This, in turn, leads to reduced sexual desire and a lack of sex drive. Doctors typically diagnose the individual with ED when the symptoms last for over a week or months together. It is quite surprising that erectile dysfunction affects over 30 million people in the US . Standard treatments for the problem include vacuum pumps, prescription medications, implants and in severe cases, surgical interventions . However, many individuals tend to opt for natural remedies. There are numerous researches carried out all across the planet that justify the effectiveness of natural options in improving the symptoms of erectile dysfunctions. Read on to know h ow to c ure ED n aturally . L-arginine L-arginine is a type of amino acid , which is naturally present in the human body and helps in the production of nitric oxide. This nitric oxide helps in relaxing the blood vessels for facilitating the erection and maintaining it for healthy sexual functioning for a long time. According to a study conducted by researchers, it was found that 31 percent of men suffering from erectile dysfunction who take 5 grams of L-arginine on a regular basis have gone through significant improvements in sexual function.
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