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8 Effective Remedies for Stomach Gas Pains

8 Effective Remedies for Stomach Gas Pains

A majority of people around the globe suffer from stomach gas pains, and the reasons for it can vary from person to person, as every individual’s eating habits and digestive system is different. Few of the research data suggest that around ten to twenty percent of the adults suffer from major digestive imbalance. Although, this ailment can be handled well with some simple stomach gas pain remedies. But before getting to that, the following are some common causes and symptoms of stomach gas pains that you should be aware of. Causes of gastric pain There are a vast number of causes associated with stomach gas pain. Intake of the wrong kind of food is commonly the reason behind most stomach ailments. Here are some of the reasons that lead to stomach gas pains are. Regularly eating spicy food Gulping food without chewing it properly Chronic anxiety and stress Excessive consumption of alcohol Bacterial infection and improper digestion Smoking and tobacco intake Overeating, especially during mealtimes Regular consumption of chewing gum and hard candy Digestive problems like constipation, IBS, etc. Consumption of laxatives on a regular basis Intake of food containing soluble fiber Few vegetables and fruits like the artichokes, sprouts, cabbages, broccoli, cauliflower and even onion, apples, pears, etc Tinned food like baked beans Allergy to gluten Unwarranted consumption of refined sugar Carbonated beverages and drinks Fast eating habits No proper schedule for mealtimes Symptoms of gastric pain Before considering the various stomach gas pain remedies available, one must identify its symptoms correctly.
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