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Top Benefits of Consuming Probiotics

Top Benefits of Consuming Probiotics

Probiotics are the good bacteria that aid in promoting good health of the gut. First introduced to the Americans in 2003 as an important ingredient in breakfast cereals and dairy products, probiotics can be quintessential for the overall health and well-being of children and adults alike. So, what are these probiotics? Typically speaking, probiotics are live bacteria, which promote good health. Also known as the good bacteria, probiotics are the friendly bacteria that live in our bodies and work toward our good digestive health. They have become quite popular in recent times and what the best probiotics can do is give you a healthy and a strong digestive system and a lot more!

Why does our body need probiotics ?
Considering the kind of times we are living in and the amount of stress we are subjected to, good food can be our only resort for staying healthy and living a long life. These days, most of us are practically not that concerned or careful about the food we eat. Blame it on the hectic work schedules that we all have or the easily available “junk” food, eating good food is not an everyday affair. Rather than eating right to give your body a balanced diet, you may look for convenience food. This is where the significance of having the best probiotics comes to play.

Consuming the best probiotics is the right solution for your unbalanced diet. A healthy human gut contains millions of beneficial bacteria. These good bacteria help in digesting your food, get rid of the harmful bacteria and strengthens your immune system. They help in improving the intestinal microbial balance and thereby have a positive impact on the overall health and wellness of an individual.

What can probiotics do for the body?
There have been several research studies conducted that provide evidence on how the best probiotics can be critical for maintaining good health. There are many known benefits of these functional foods, and it wouldn’t be wrong to say that this wonder food can actually act as a sort of an insurance policy to cover your health. Probiotics typically exist in your gastrointestinal tract, which consists of the mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, and the rectum. However, there are several billions of probiotics that can naturally occur in the eyes, ears, nose, armpits, toes, lungs, appendix, vagina, and the urinary tract as well.

It would be quite surprising to know that the amount of probiotics is actually even more than the cells in your body. In fact, the total count of all the probiotics in the body could weigh about 3.5 pounds, which is more than the weight of the heart and brain. While many may believe that the role of probiotics is limited to good digestive health, it is not true. Here are some of the most important benefits that the best probiotics can offer:

  • Probiotics are responsible to repress the growth of harmful bacteria and other invaders in your body. They also help in enhancing the immunity of human body by making the body accept harmless allergens. Research shows that allergies and infections are a result of a low count of good bacteria in the body.
  • A healthy gut with the right amount of the best probiotics can help in regulating cholesterol levels.
  • Because probiotics promote immunity and support the immune system, they can help in mitigating several illnesses and also prevent stomach, respiratory, and skin infections in children.
  • Probiotics have been found to be very effective in treating vaginal infections.
  • They are also prescribed for treating conditions like Crohn’s Disease, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, and lactose intolerance.
  • They help in the production of a huge number of vitamins and essential fatty acids.

Are there any side-effects of using the best probiotics ?
Though not scientifically studied and proven, there are a few side effects of using. Some people may experience abdominal discomfort like a feeling of bloating initially. There are also people who have reported headache after using probiotics; such people are advised to lower their probiotic dosage. Diarrhea is also one of the side-effects of consuming probiotics. However, these side-effects are short-lived and go away once the body gets used to these food supplements.

Foods that contain probiotics and how to choose the best probiotic supplements
Fermented foods are considered to be good sources of probiotics. Food fermentation has been a part of a diet of many cultures for times immemorial. However, if you are not in a habit of consuming traditional fermented foods, you can opt for the high-quality probiotic supplements, which are easily available in the market.

Getting the best probiotic supplement isn’t really a daunting task. There is no major difference between different brands, but it is always advisable to opt for a reputed brand and choose a product that contains bacteria strains with confirmed health-promoting features.