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Four differences between COPD and asthma

Four differences between COPD and asthma

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a term that describes progressive respiratory diseases such as chronic bronchitis, emphysema, etc. It is a lung disease that causes chronic interference with lung airflow thereby impairing breathing and the condition cannot be reversed fully. Whereas, asthma is a different respiratory condition that tends to be mistaken for COPD. Asthma is marked by spasms of bronchi which causes inflammation and narrowed airways in lungs. Asthma is often the result of an allergic reaction as many substances can trigger asthma attacks. Both chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and asthma seem to show similar symptoms. Some of the common symptoms of both the conditions include shortness of breath, wheezing, anxiety with increased heart rate, chest tightness, and chronic coughing. Below are the four underlying differences between COPD and asthma. Causes of COPD and asthma Both COPD and asthma have different causes. The cause of asthma is due to genetic factors, environmental factors, or even a combination of both. Asthma is triggered by allergies that can be caused by being exposed to certain kind of substances. The substances that trigger allergies vary from person to person. Some of the common triggers allergies that may cause asthma are mole, pollen, smoke, excess physical activity, cold air, pet hair, dust mites, respiratory infections, stress, preservatives added to certain foods and beverages, and even certain medications like aspirin and beta blockers.
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Tardive Dyskinesia – Risk, Causes, Prevention, and Treatment

Tardive Dyskinesia – Risk, Causes, Prevention, and Treatment

A neurological disorder, tardive dyskinesia is a condition that primarily affects the nervous system. The medical condition is recorded to affect a huge population in the world and is especially common among older individuals. This kind of a disorder is typically triggered by the long-term use of certain medications like neuroleptic drugs and psychotic medications. The neuroleptic drugs are administered for psychiatric disorders or gastronomical and neurological disorders. They aim to block the dopamine receptors in the brain. Playing a pivotal role in the motor functioning, dopamine is a neurotransmitter that also controls the pleasure and reward centers in the brain. Thus, the drugs can have a serious effect on the motor system over the course of time. A major percentage of tardive dyskinesia cases are found to be mild with no major repercussions on the lifestyle of the patient. However, about 3 percent of people with the condition may be affected severely and this can lead to extreme effects. Under severe cases of this condition, the patient may suffer from problems that include difficulty in swallowing foods, disfiguration of the facial features, trouble breathing, and speech interference. Below are important factors that one must understand about tardive dyskinesia: Risk factors of tardive dyskinesia As mentioned above, the usage of neuroleptics over a long period of time can pose as one of the major risk factors leading to the development of this neurological disorder.
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