Tips for Curing Premature Ejaculation for a Healthy Sex Life
Sexual intercourse is one of the most relaxing and stress-busting activities in a person’s life. So much so, doctors nowadays often prescribe healthy sexual activities to couples for maintaining sound physical and mental health. But it is seen that men often face various problems in their sex life due to premature ejaculation, at some point in their lives. It is known to be a common disease around the globe. However, now with proper research, doctors have found out expert ways for premature ejaculation cure. Have sex often Doctors have found out a unique way to fight back this health issue with men. It is said that if men want to have a premature ejaculation cure, then it would be best to have sex quite often. It helps in relaxing the muscles, and the sperms start working according to the body and do not push out before time creating an unhealthy sex life which is rather unsatisfying. Try the kegel grip This position helps in tightening the grip by the female partner and aids in the control of ejaculation before time. The function strengthens the pubococcygeus(PC) of the muscle, controlling the total ejaculation. For performing a strong kegel, grip the muscle you would use to stop peeing, which is the PC muscle.
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