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Beneficial Factors of Potassium

Beneficial Factors of Potassium

Potassium is one of the minerals which plays an important role in achiev ing good health. Every cell in the body is a part of potassium and life would not be possible without it. In general, we do not pay attention to eating different minerals and vitamins. Food items with potassium content are helpful in many ways. It maintains fluid balance in the body and keeps the brain, nerves, hearts, and muscles functioning normal constantly. Eating potassium daily is very important to keep the body healthy and prevent chronic issues . Potassium helps to reduce blood pressure in people with hypertension which in turn lowers the risk of heart stroke. Potassium deficiency in a body can cause fatigue , Insomnia , depression , muscular weakness and many other cardiovascular issues. Potassium can be called as an electrolyte to the body, which helps the body to function appropriately . We need potassium to: Build proteins Breakdown and use carbohydrates Build muscle Maintain body growth Control the electrical activity of the heart Control acid-base balance Low potassium levels can cause a variety of lung disorders , Kidney Disease , and hypertension in both adults and children. Signs and symptoms of potassium deficiency – Abnormally dry skin acne Chills, Insomnia Cognitive impairments, depression, nervousness, d iminished reflexes, Diarrhea or Constipation, E xcessive Thirst E dema Low blood pressure, muscular fatigue, headaches, high cholesterol levels, Glucose intolerance, muscle cramps, Growth impairment Salt retention and hypersensitivity to Salt Respiratory distress hormonal fluctuations Potassium Rich Foods for controlling High Blood Pressure To control blood pressure , your diet should be rich in potassium because potassium reduces the effect of sodium which is the main cause of high blood pressure.
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