5 Best Gout Treatments
Gout is an arthritic disorder that is characterized by inflammation. When the uric acid levels in the blood rise, a person becomes susceptible to this illness. The acid forms needle-shaped crystals within the joints as a result of which the person suffers from severe pain, reddishness, tenderness, and swelling symptoms. Both men and women are vulnerable to this condition. The various risk factors for gout are inclusive of genetic considerations, dietary intake, i.e., having foods rich in purines, age-related factors, certain medications, underlying medical conditions, obesity, alcohol, and bypass surgeries. Usually, only one joint is affected and if treatment is not administered in a timely manner, the possibility of other joints getting afflicted remains high. If not treated for long, uric acid crystals start developing around the joints, and kidney stones. Gout also increases the risk of other disorders such as kidney failure, hypertension, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases. If you suffer from debilitating pain in the joints, it is advised to go for examination. As part of your diagnosis, the medical experts will extract fluid from the joints. If crystals are detected in the fluid, they will confirm that you are suffering from gout. Consequently, they will recommend the best gout treatments based on your condition.
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