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Acid Reflux – Causes, Cures, and Foods to Avoid with Acid Reflux

Acid Reflux – Causes, Cures, and Foods to Avoid with Acid Reflux

Ever heard the term ‘heartburn’? Heartburn or technically speaking, acid reflux entails the flowing of stomach acid up the food pipe. This leads to pain in the lower chest area which is more commonly referred to as ‘heartburn.’ Causes of Acid Reflux When the lower esophageal sphincter doesn’t close upon passage of food through the stomach, acid tends to build up and flow out into the esophagus region. This leads to heartburn or a burning chest sensation known as acid reflux. Other common causes of acid reflux are: Obesity Eating large meals Lying down immediately after a meal Bedtime snacking Consuming specific foods such as citrus, tomato, chocolate, mint, garlic, onions, spicy and fatty foods Alcohol, carbonated drinks, tea, and coffee Smoking Pregnancy Blood pressure medications Muscle relaxing medications Aspirin and ibuprofen If you face acid reflux symptoms more than twice weekly, you may be prone to acid reflux disease or gastroesophageal reflux disease. Symptoms of Acid Reflux Before we go to the foods to avoid with acid reflux, we must identify its symptoms. Some of the most common symptoms of acid reflux include: Heartburn, pain or discomfort in the chest, stomach, throat, or abdomen areas Regurgitation, a sour or bitter taste due to acid build-up in the mouth or throat Bloating Burping Bloody vomiting Bloody or black stools Dysphagia – narrowing of the esophagus Recurrent Hiccups Nausea Unexpected weight loss Wheezing Dry Cough Hoarseness A chronic sore throat Diagnosis of Acid Reflux For longer lasting symptoms of acid reflux, a diagnosis or a series of tests run by a doctor might be needed to get the right treatment.
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